Why do we think WE are “the best” party band that Greenville and the Upstate has to offer?
Because everywhere we go, it’s a party! Whether it is a festival, wedding, corporate function, a bar, club, anniversary or a wake, we’re going to be there with smiling faces, and playing the songs YOU want to hear!
Sure, there are other bands in the area, and some pretty darn amazing ones at that, but how many times have you seen one “recite” the lyrics to songs with no emotion, or possible not even break a smile. They often take themselves too seriously.
Not us! We provide a professional show, with just enough silliness to make it unexpected and exciting! Lyrics might get changed, a song may be performed outside of its original genre, such as “Shook Me All Night Long” done bluegrass, or Tracy Chapman’s “Give me one Reason” done rock, or my personal favorite, “Sweet Child of Mine” done with a swing to it. And don’t forget our original songs which ranges from rock, to country to beach!
We *can* dial it back and play totally straight faced, but, if that is what you want, you might want to look for one of the other bands. We’ll be putting up links to some of our favorites soon!
Book The Dockside Band for your next function, you won’t be sorry!
UPDATE: The Dockside Band is no more… But, for a fun and funky, dance and party band for your Upstate area event, be sure to check out the new HOT AS A PEPPER site!